“I’m so busy! I just need a break.” I hear this so often from my clients when they sit down on the couch for their session. I admit I have found myself saying the same thing. There exists today an ill-conceived belief that the more I do, the better I am. Unfortunately, our society values and even thrives from this manic state of do, do, do, and go, go, go, but at what cost? We end up frantic, sick, stressed out, and unhappy. There can also be a hidden, false sense of security in the state of always being busy. We like to stay busy because “If I’m constantly busy, I don’t feel that uncomfortable feeling of sadness, worry, or emptiness that can pop up when I’m alone or not doing anything.” But in order to heal, in order to be able to connect to ourselves and others, we need quite, we need space, we need to re-examine this false notion of doing and begin to place more value on being. How do we start? As this article so beautifully states, we can start by asking “How is the state of your heart today?”